06. Quiz: Even or Odd (3-2)


Write an if…else statement that:

  • prints "even" if the number is an even number
  • prints "odd" if the number is an odd number

Hint: Use the % (modulo) operator to determine if a number is even or odd. The modulo operater takes two numbers and returns the remainder when the first number is divided by the second one:

console.log(12 % 3);
console.log(10 % 4);




The answer for 12 % 3 is 0 because twelve divided by three has no remainder. 10 % 4 is 2 because ten divided by 4 has a remainder of two.

Make sure to test your code with different values. For example:

  • If number equals 1, then odd should be printed to the console.
  • If number equals 12, then even should be printed to the console.

Your Code:

Start Quiz:

 * Programming Quiz: Even or Odd (3-2)
 * Write an if...else statement that prints `even` if the 
 * number is even and prints `odd` if the number is odd.
 * Note - make sure to print only the string "even" or the string "odd"

// change the value of `number` to test your if...else statement
var number = 2;

if (/* your conditional goes here */) {
} else {



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